Thursday, May 31, 2012

WITS uni - RAPS plays - May 2012

It was a cold, winter's Wednesday, when the brave band of family and friends set forth to go watch school plays at the WITS University Theatre! Would the cold phase them? Would the cramped car deter them? Would they even make it there alive?!?!?!
As you can tell there was plenty drama to go around already! Here's hoping the plays are as good!

The plays were high school ones that were competing for the prize at the WITS RAPS festival. (I forget what RAPS stood for - no wait, no one told me in the first place...)

R65 to see 3 high school plays? What a rip! No wonder folk stay home and rent movies. Still, for the experience I was willing to pay any price!!!
(No not really, but that did sound good didn't it?)

Ok this is a photo I got of the stage just micro-seconds before they told us to switch off cellphones and how you're not allowed to take pictures, as in EVER!!!!!
Since this was taken before the polite warning, I consider it fair game to use. Even if people can't tell what in the world it was taken of!
 Intermission and we were allowed to snap a few pics of the posters the schools made for their plays. Some were terribly clever. Others were best glossed over with a, "Well, erm, they're still kids... cough cough" mentality.
All in all the plays were awesome though! The two girls high schools absolutely excelled! Funny, interesting, dramatic! They kept you glued to your seat! Thank goodness they were comfy seats.
The boy's high school play was a bit weaker, being too dramatic and dry and preachy. Good acting mind, just I found myself wiggling a lot and scrolling through the pics on my camera more then once.
(Yes I know we were supposed to turn them off but would you shoosh and just watch the play dammit!)

There's a lot of talent in those young critters though! I like to think one day they will be super famous and I'll look back and say, "Lordy I remember back in the day, before they invented Brain Capsules, how I saw their very first RAPS play!"
(Probably though I'll just forget and think they're annoying young gits who have to STAY OFFA MA LAWN!)

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