Sunday, March 21, 2010

Me and my Drum!

Saturday evening saw us on the back of the bike again, winging our way to a drumming session! It was the first time we’d ever been to one and we didn’t know what to expect but we were quiet keen nonetheless! I think there is something deeply embedded in the human genome that makes thumping things rhythmically a very enjoyable pass time! (Minds out the gutter people!)

Luckily we found the place we had to go relatively easily. Last time we were planning on drumming we got so hopelessly lost that we eventually ended up going home. See, you have to hold the event somewhere the neighbours aren’t going to kick a fuss up about the noise and this usually means out in the bundus where no one bothers putting numbers on their farms and one street looks very like another – probably because it is the same street you went down 5 minutes ago and where the hell are we?!

Our friends knew the ropes, which always helps. Nothing worse then standing around thinking, what are we supposed to do? Where do we go? Or my own personal horror, Where are the bathrooms??
Then you end up wondering about aimlessly till you pay to get in and realize that you’re at the wrong event, taking part in a ceremony that requires you to sacrifice live chickens and wear body paint and a thong!
I get that a lot…

The drumming circle was a very relaxed atmosphere. There were people of all ages, children and even a goose (who didn’t drum). You can bring your own drum or rent one, which we did. (Mine had extra bits and bobs on it which made me feel like the Chosen One!) We considered taking our own drum with but the strap was so tight that one false move on the bike and there goes my arm, sliced clean off!! And let’s face it that would have impeded my drumming skills a bit…

Mostly everyone plays at their own beat and you join in if and how you please. At times this leads to some interesting music, at other times it’s a bit cacophonic, but always you’re having far too much fun to care! BAM BAM BAM!

I also got to see some interesting musical instruments. The didgeridoo was one of them. The sound is interesting but very low and tough to produce. I was told there’s a belief that women shouldn’t play it as they’d fall pregnant. (But I think this is only because when guys see a girl with her mouth working one of those long tubes they get ideas…)

The other interesting instrument was a Frog. Literally. A little wooden frog statue that you run a stick up and down to produce noises that sound like… well a frog. Granted you don’t get to use that much, not like any great movie’s sound track could be played on it (Avatar would have been a whole different movie otherwise) but it was an interesting toy and I decided then and there that I want one, just cause!

We banged away on the drums for hours! Our little group was quiet cheerful and there was much impromptu dancing (Well close enough to be called dancing), singing, wailing, laughing and the sort of inappropriate commentary that just helps add something to such events.

The only down side is intense enthusiasm tends to result in very sore hands the next day. Which makes you hope people who are reading your blog appreciate the pain you went to, to write it! ^_^

It was brilliant though! A great way to just pound out whatever feelings you have! It’s lively, entertaining and a grand night out that any can join in on. (Seriously, hand hit drum, if you can follow those instructions you’re A for Away!) So will I see you there next time?


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