As a treat for Bren's mum, we went for a lunch and look see at O R Tambo, the big airport in our area! (Big, I later discovered, being a tad bit of an understatement!)
We travelled by the Gautrain to get there! (The price was so expensive that, well, lets just say having a band-aid torn from a gaping wound, would have been far less of a painful rip-off!)
Still, I must admit the adventure was fun! Wanna see why?
As we left the Gautrain station we were greeted by these pretty lights reflecting on the floor! I think they're there to be soothing. "You spent all that money on the ride but look! Pretty colour lights, ooooooh! Doesn't feel so bad now does it?"
The airport is really really big! Tons of people, tons of destinations and tons to look at! Not to mention the nice, festive air of an impending holiday! You do wonder where everyone is going and how many will come back with exotic diseases they'll have a terrible time explaining!
This is me "fixing" an air vent! Hey, if it wasn't meant to be fiddled with, they'd not have put it in Jo height reach!
We went to the rather blindingly bright flight deck to watch the planes take off! There was a statue of old Mr Tambo there! He might have looked all stuffy and serious but there's a nose made for some grade A boogers if ever there was one!
The airport strip had some of the weirdest markings on it! With a bunch of three letter Acronyms that just had you wondering what they could mean?
PAU - Passenger Abattoir Unloading?
FMC - Feminine Men Collected?
And why on earth was the road so tinkertoy? Looks like a bloke with hiccups painted it! "Shish da besh woik ah effa done >hic<"
Yay! Multi coloured air planes headed off for exotic places I'll never go! Whenever I see a plane in the sky I always wait for it to explode. I blame too many movies! - Final Destination 2, I know it was you!
Everybody was airplane peeking!
While Jo's where photo sneaking!
Da da dum, da da dum, da da dum!
We went to a gift shop and found this toy monkey. Doesn't it look terrifying? Imagine that thing on your bedside table at night? "I has no fleshy eyes but I hears you breathing... for now...."
Can I have one?
Simpsons, African style! I want to wear this into Soweto on a busy Friday night!
Someone painted over half this sign so it now says, "King only VIP"
Humph! Didn't want to park there anyway...
Going home I took a ton of pics on the Gautrain! I just like this one because, although it was a mistake it has a nice composition.
Like the simple, richness of open Africa, struggling to grow and flourish as best it can, with the gap between all of us ever narrowing and but the thin brick wall of the train, the only thing that really divides us from our fellow man, be he rich or be he poor. In the end, we are all South Africans at heart!!
Check the kak I can talk hey? No wonder I got A's in Art Theory...
Egad! What the heck is that?? You try taking a photo of total darkness and see what develops!
Speaking of total darkness! The train station was so packed full we could only park in the area that didn't have any lighting! This is a pic from our car - once we found it!
Psssht! Planes, trains or auto-mobiles! There's so much adventure out there if you just know where to look!